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Tutti i filmati di Public Domain

Totale: 1091

His wedding night

His wedding night is a 1917 American Short film comedy film starring Roscoe Arbuckle, Al St. John, and Buster Keaton, and directed by Arbuckle.

His wife's relations

His wife's relations is a 1922 American short film comedy film directed by and starring Buster Keaton. Through a judicial error Buster finds himself married to a large domineering woman with an unfriendly father and four bullying brothers.

Horror Express

1973 - Horror / Mystery / Sci-Fi / Thriller An English anthropologist (Christopher Lee) has discovered a frozen monster in the frozen wastes of... Directed by:Eugenio Martín Writing credits:Arnaud d'Usseau, Julian Zimet Complete credited cast: Christopher LeePeter CushingAlberto de MendozaSilvia TortosaJulio PeñaÁngel del PozoHelga LinéAlice ReinheartJosé JaspeGeorge RigaudVíctor IsraelFaith CliftJuan OlaguivelBernabe Barta BarriPeter Beckman Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Horrors of Spider Island

1960 - Adventure / Drama / Horror / Mystery / Sci-Fi / Thriller

En route to a show in Singapore, a troupe of beautiful dancers are stranded on a deserted island by a plane crash. Their routine of skinny-dipping and devising new skimpy outfits is interrupted when a radioactive spider bites their manager and turns him into a wild-eyed, furry-faced monster with three fangs and a passion for strangling.
Directed by: Fritz Böttger
Writing credits:Fritz Böttger, Eldon Howard
Complete credited cast:
Alexander D'ArcyBarbara ValentinRainer ... continua

House of The Dead

1978 - HorrorA married man who has an affair with a married woman is fleeing the woman's murderous husband, who has found out about it... Directed by: Sharron Miller Writing credits: David O'Malley Cast: John Ericson, Ivor Francis, Judith Novgrod, Burr DeBenning, Charles Aidman, Bernard Fox, Richard Gates, Elizabeth MacRae, Linda Gibboney, Leslie Paxton, John King III, Bo Byers, David O'Malley, Robert Telford, Michael ColleyVisit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles:

How Awful About Alan

1960 - Horror / Thriller A young man who is tormented with guilt over his father's death years before starts hearing strange voices and feeling the presence of an unknown force that seems to be menacing him. Directed by: Curtis Harrington Writing credits:Henry Farrell Complete credited cast: Anthony Perkins Julie Harris Joan Hackett Kent Smith Robert H. Harris Molly Dodd Billy Bowles Trent Dolan Bill Erwin Jeannette Howe Kenneth Lawrence Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

I Bury the Living

1958 - HorrorA newly appointed cemetery chairman discovers that, merely by inserting a black pin into a wall-sized map of the cemetery... Directed by: Albert Band Writing credits: Louis Garfinkle Cast: Richard Boone, Theodore Bikel, Peggy Maurer, Robert Osterloh, Herbert Anderson, Howard Smith, Russ Bender, Glen Vernon, Lynette Bernay, Ken Drake, Cyril DelevantiVisit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles:

I Cinque Disertori

Versione ingleseDisertori per motivi diversi, cinque uomini affrontano un viaggio verso la libertà che si rivelerà una tragedia. scarica sottotitoli: Visualizza il testo parallelo EN-IT

I diavoli volanti

Un film di A. Edward SutherlandCon Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Jean Parker, Reginald Gardiner, CharlesMiddleton, James Finlayson.Genere: Comico, b/nProduzione USA 1939 (The Flying Deuces)Disperato d’amore, e dopo un suicidio fallito, Ollio entra nella Legione Straniera, seguito da Stanlio. Ma la vita dei legionari non è adatta per due. E così, dopo aver incidentalmente incendiato le tende della legione, decidono di andarsene. Catturati, vengono condannati a morte, ma riescono a fuggire con un aereo… L’aereo cade e solo Stanlio è sopravvissuto. Ma Ollio ... continua

Il ciclone dei Caraibi

1954 - Azione / Avventura
Una sorta di sequel apocrifo delle avventure de L'Isola del Tesoro, con ilritorno degli stessi personaggi del romanzo, sempre alla ricerca di untesoro.
Diretto da:
Byron Haskin
Martin Rackin, Robert Louis Stevenson
Cast completo:
Robert Newton
Connie Gilchrist
Lloyd Berrell
Grant Taylor
Rod Taylor
Harvey Adams
Muriel Steinbeck
Henry Gilbert
John Brunskill
Eric Reiman
Harry Hambleton
Syd Chambers
George Simpson-Lyttle
Tony Arpino
Al Thomas
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